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Texas AgriLife Extension Service

County Extension Agents: Scott Willey, Sally Garrett & Kayla Kaspar
Extension Program Assistant: Jenifer Boening
Office Manager: Pam Carpenter
Secretary: Meghan Dalrymple

Address: 255 Svoboda Ln.
La Grange, TX  78945
Office Phone: (979) 968-5831
Fax Number: (979) 968-5295
E-mail: fayette@ag.tamu.edu

The Texas AgriLife Extension Service is a statewide educational agency.  
They provide outreach education from the the Texas A&M University System to the citizens of Texas.

The Texas AgriLife Extension Service:
  • Provides education in the areas of agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, 4 - H and youth development, and community development.
  • Offers practical education through courses, workshops, seminars, demonstrations, publications, and tours to diverse adult and youth audiences.
  • Is a statewide educational network that links county Extension agents with Extension specialists located at Texas A&M and a regional Extension centers.  Through this linkage we provide university expertise and educational materials for county programs. 
  • Operate as a partnership among Texas county governments, the A&M University System and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  It was founded in 1914.

For more information about the Fayette County Office of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, please visit their Website.